October 2, 2017

Home Recordings

September 9, 2017

Haverford Music Festival

Quick video of part of Brian’s set while playing at the Haverford Music Festival. The beautiful day featured Brian alongside the likes of Matthew Sweet, the Weaklings, Danielle Miraglia, Nadjah Nicole, and many more!

October 7, 2012


In 1997, a 13-year old me went into a Disc Jockey in the Turfland Mall in Lexington, Kentucky. I knew what I wanted to purchased, but had absolutely no idea what the album was called or who it was by.

These were the days when I was starting to listen to the radio more and more, and was developing my own tastes as a listener. Around this time, I began hearing a song every now I found incredibly moving. I’m still not sure why I responded to this song at that age.

I’m still on the fence about if I believe in fate or not. But I’d like to think that there are particular songs and artists in the world that are destined to find you, changing your journey as a listener forever. I think this is one of the closest instances of that happening for me.

Anyway, I went into this store with only the vague memory of the aforementioned moving song. I remembered fragments of the chorus – something about drowning, mentions of a coast, and references to a girl. Other parts came back to me – Christmas was mentioned, flowers were exchanged, and someone felt more alone than ever before. Very specific, right?

I still have no idea what gave me the courage to walk up to the cashier, a raven haired older girl who seemed straight out of “Daria,” and pursue my quest. Sheepishly, I explained my predicament to her and relayed all the evidence I had collected. I expected a caustic response and a scoff based on my limited knowledge of characters in “Daria,” but the cashier began to go through her own music catalogue to try to find the song for me. She furrowed her brow and closed her eyes as I stood there not sure what to do.

After some thought, she had a song she thought fit my vague description. She went back to find the potential CD, and snapped it into a walkman. As soon as the piano came in, I knew my search was over. “Brick” by Ben Folds Five was the song I’d been looking for. “Whatever and Ever Amen” was one of the earliest CDs I bought and has been one of my favorite albums ever since.

“They’re a very sarcastic band,” she explained as she put my receipt into the bag.

I nostalgically think of this story every time I overhear a song I like in the peripheral of my day. However, now I just jot down a few phrases from the lyrics. I go to my computer, type the phrases into google, and fairly often the search is over. Even though I love that everything is so much more accessible with the digital musical world, it really does sadden me sometimes I won’t have to go to my local CD store and go through this awkward interaction again.

Tonight, I get to see the recently reunited Ben Folds Five at the Tower Theater in Philadelphia.

I hope they’re still sarcastic.

August 31, 2012

Pitch Video

In 2007, I was lucky enough to work with some great musicians and make my first CD, “All in Every Word.”

For a long time, I’ve wanted to record a follow up CD.  I am so excited and proud to say that right now I feel like I have written some of my strongest songs yet.  I would love to share those with you – but first I need your help.

My goal is to give these batch of songs the time and care they need to make the best recordings possible.  In order to do that, I am hoping to raise money to book some studio time and am soliciting donations via Feed the Muse.

So, please check out my profile and donation incentives at:



and my pitch video shot by the wonderful Skout Media (complete with my own Scout making an appearance):

Paper Flowers from Skout Media on Vimeo.



Any amount you can donate would be a true help.  Thanks again for all of your continued support with my music!

July 17, 2012

New Song: “Your Map”

A quick demo of a new song titled, “Your Map.”  Enjoy!


Bonus points if you guess the movie the image is from!

June 19, 2012

Happy Birthday, Paul!

I didn’t think it was possible for this already great song to get better…

June 14, 2012

Levon Helm Tribute @ World Cafe

Had a blast last night at World Cafe Live’s Levon Helm Tribute.  Not only did I get to see my talented brother and Kalob Griffin Band burn through some classic Band songs, I got some exposure to some great new Philly bands:

The talent of this city blew me away last night.  Enjoy!

April 20, 2012

Levon Helm

Levon Helm has always been the type of musician I strived to be.  Musically and performance-wise, it simply does not get better than Levon.  A timeless tone, a seemingly inseparable connection to his instrument, and someone who you could clearly tell loved every single moment of every song he played for you.  If you don’t believe me, watch any amount of the clip below:

I wouldn’t pretend to say I knew Levon through his music, but I can say that he made me feel like I knew him through every song he ever sung.  This is a connection that, as a musician and a performer, I still don’t fully understand how Levon created.  Believe me, if I could, I’m sure I would be able to sell more CDs.

But, I am so glad that I have musicians like Levon in my musical life who can and will continue to have that connection with listeners.

Thank you, Levon.  For every beat, every note, and everything in between.

April 19, 2012

Things to come…

Artwork by the wonderful Nicole Wietrak.  Audio to follow soon!

April 14, 2012

One Fan At A Time Session

Shot in August 2011.